Thursday, March 02, 2006

Bald Faced Madness

The Hoo Haas have a new venue to spread the love in!
The Bald Faced Stag Hotel (cnr Balmain and Parramatta Rds Leichhardt) will be host to The Hooeys this Saturday 4th March from 8pm. Entry is free and you never know just who might drop in...

Jim Woffsy will be standing in on bass duties once again while our Alistair gets himself completely Rat-arsed at a mates bucks night. Alistair also starts work as a teacher this year kiddies, moving up the ladder and into the blandlands of middle-classdom.
For who knows what reason?

Anyhow, we reckon that we're all going to go down to The Royal Prince Alfred Hospital after the gig to check in on Alistair while he's getting his stomach pumped.
